Upper West Side Extractions
Extractions on the Upper West Side
Having any kind of dental issue means that time is of the essence, especially since dental problems can easily become worse, infections can spread, and damage can continue if left on attended. If you leave cavities were other issues untreated, you may need to have your teeth removed. Teeth may also need to be removed for other reasons, whether it be to prepare for orthodontic care or to get rid of impacted wisdom teeth. If you need any kind of Upper West Side extractions, then we here at Contemporary Dental Implant Centre can provide you with the dental care you need.
Teeth are generally removed to restore your dental health. Teeth that have suffered from significant damage or decay also need to be removed to prevent further damage or to prevent harming adjacent teeth. Since dental decay can spread between teeth easily, it’s important that decayed teeth are removed before it can spread further. Additionally, damaged teeth need to be removed before they cause any more damage to your dental structures, to your gum tissue, or to any surrounding teeth as well. In some cases, people need teeth removed prior to orthodontic care. Depending on the severity of your bite problem, you may need to have teeth taken out to make room for your new smile once the remaining teeth are straightened.
Here at Contemporary Dental Implant Centre you can perform teeth extractions for all these reasons and more. You may also need to have teeth removed if they are impacted due to the development of wisdom teeth, whether they are crowded teeth that have shifted because of the development of wisdom teeth or if your wisdom teeth are the teeth that are impacted. With Upper West Side extractions, your smile can be restored and your health can be improved.
If you need any kind of Upper West Side extractions, our dentist here at Contemporary Dental Implant Centre to make sure that you are provided with the comprehensive care you need. Call us today to book your appointment and to learn more as well.
220 Riverside Blvd.
New York, NY 10069