Madison Avenue Cosmetic Dental Office
Cosmetic Dental Office in 10017
When you have one or more missing teeth, you might feel self-conscious about smiling. That’s completely understandable. Fortunately, we at Contemporary Dental Implant Centre have a great solution to improve your smile by giving you back your full set of teeth once again. Here at our Madison Avenue cosmetic dental office, we are experts at the placement of dental implants, the most advanced method of full-tooth restoration available.
Here’s how it works: first, you will come in for a consultation and examination so that our Madison Avenue cosmetic dental office can make sure you are a good candidate for this process. You will need to have a jaw bone that is thick and strong enough to hold the implant, though a bone grafting procedure can be done if you do not qualify. The beginning of getting an implant is surgically inserting a cylindrical titanium post into your jaw. Over several months, your jaw bone grows around this post, fusing with it. In essence, it acts as a replacement for your old tooth root, something that gives an implant a huge advantage over bridges or dentures.
The second part is the placement of a small healing collar that also serves to support the tooth portion of the implant. Which brings us to the third aspect: a crown that is tooth-colored will be put on top of the post and held steady with the collar. It will look so much like one of your other teeth that you may forget which is which. Equally important, it will feel like a real tooth and even function like one. You can chew even the toughest foods, smile, and talk all with total confidence with a dental implant put in at our Madison Avenue cosmetic dental office.
Sure, a dental implant will make you look better, but there are some other practical advantages, also. Because of the post that replaces your root, your natural facial contours are preserved, and your vital gum and bone tissue will not atrophy. That’s certainly a lot of pluses. Why not call our Madison Avenue cosmetic dental office today to book a consultation?