Implants in Astoria
11102 Implants
If you have missing teeth that need to be replaced, you probably have been researching the various different types of tooth replacement methods that may be available to you. Some patients choose to get dentures or fixed or removable bridges. Other patients are very happy with their choice to get dental implants in Astoria.
Many patients come to our Contemporary Dental Implant Centre to have their missing teeth replaced with dental implant roots used with porcelain crowns. This is possibly the most popular way for patients to now have their missing teeth replaced. The dental implants work with the porcelain crown to provide a new “tooth” that looks, feels, and functions just like a permanent tooth. If well taken care of with regular brushing and flossing, and with periodic dental cleanings, dental implants in Astoria will well last our patients for a lifetime. The benefits of getting dental implants are many. Patients are able to eat just about anything they want in total comfort, without fear that the dental implant will wobble or cause any embarrassment for our patient. The implant crowns that are used to replace missing teeth are made of porcelain, and have been custom-made to perfectly match the color of the adjacent teeth.
Getting these type of implants in Astoria to replace missing teeth takes several months to complete. You will work with one of our many talented cosmetic dentists who are: Dr. Dale D Goldschlag; Dr. Barry Hertzl Habib; Dr. Jean Paul Aranda; Dr. Mine Turhan; Dr. Peter Muntean; and Dr. Sidney Hiller. After our dentist determines that you are a good candidate for the surgery, a titanium dental implant root will be surgically inserted for each tooth that is to be replaced. There will a be healing period of several weeks during which time the titanium implant root will also fully fuse to the jawbone. Once our doctor determines that all healing is completed, he will then proceed to permanently attach a porcelain crown to the top of the dental implant. At this point your dental implant is completed and you will be able to enjoy all the benefits it has to offer. You will be able to eat in total comfort, and your smile will look great. For an appointment to meet with one of our dentists regarding getting dental implants, contact us today.