Cosmetic Dentist in Astoria
Astoria Cosmetic Dentist
Dental advancements have come such a long way in recent years, and yet millions of Americans will need teeth replacements at some point in their life. Whether this be due to damage, decay, or accidents, having missing teeth is never fun. Living with missing teeth can take a toll on your confidence and health. Our teeth are meant to last a lifetime, and we use them every day for chewing, speaking, smiling, and more. Our teeth also support facial muscles and structures in the face. Having missing teeth for long enough can lead to a weakening of these muscles and a change in facial appearance. When you need to replace missing teeth, seek out dental implants with our cosmetic dentist in Astoria. If you want dental implants that look and work beautifully, we are your go-to.
Tooth decay or disease is a leading cause of tooth loss. If a tooth becomes so damaged from infection or decay, it will either fall out or has to be extracted. A missing tooth can be managed in the short term, but over time things will start to move around. Gums can weaken, and speech may become impaired. One of the biggest worries about dental replacements is worrying that your implants wont look natural, or that they will “feel weird”. Our cosmetic dentist in Astoria works with you to achieve implants that act like your real natural teeth, so you can chew, smile, and speak normally.
We prepare our cosmetic dental implants by cleaning the area of the missing tooth and examining your mouth. Implants work by using a screw like device that is implanted into your gum. These screws act like anchors, replacing the bone of the tooth. As your jaw and gums heal, the anchor gets locked into your jaw securely. Once these are implanted, another small metal post is connected to the screw. This is what holds your new tooth. Our cosmetic dentist in Astoria custom creates a crown that is unique to you. This crown is then attached, and voila! Once fully healed, these implants essentially become your own teeth. It is crucial to take care of your new implants with brushing and flossing diligently. Make an appointment with us today and get yourself on a path to a beautiful, full smile.